Designing Type
4. Sketching Roots
Once I had chosen my type specimen, I decided to start sketching the letterforms to understand them better. Without paying much attention to the measurements, my focus was on the optical representation. After sketching one letterform, I tried making other letterforms.
For my reference, I used 'Designing Type' by Karen Cheng during this project. I would highly recommend this to anyone interested in Type Design. It talks about the rules of designing type, and how to design other letterforms.
Constructing B, P from R
Applying the learnings
Trying to construct the letterform using a grid instead of visually sketching it.
Constructing B and P, by visually using R as an example. It was roughly sketched without using any grid or mathematical values.
In progress photos and the errors that kept occuring. According to the book, the bowl of P should be between the two bowls of B. Similarly for R, however, it is slightly smaller than P to make it appear less dense (because of the oblique)
How the three letterforms would look if interlaced on top of each other. This was to understand their relative sizes.
Other Letterforms are WIP